12/26/2024, 04:29 PM
Since I am aware that following my research about the constancy of the congruence speed of tetration, the phase shifts analysis, and so forth wouldn't be easy, here are 12 Python codes to let everybody test and verify my recent results about the peculiar properties of integer tetration I have discovered and published: Twelve Python Programs to Help Readers Test Peculiar Properties of Integer Tetration (DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13553.80489).
Let \(G(n)\) be a generic reverse-concatenated sequence. If \(G(1) \notin \{2, 3, 7\}\), then \(^{G(n)}G(n) \pmod {10^d}≡^{G({n+1})}G({n+1}) \pmod {10^d}\), \(\forall n \in \mathbb{N}-\{0\}\)
("La strana coda della serie n^n^...^n", p. 60).
("La strana coda della serie n^n^...^n", p. 60).