Two tetrations two pentations and two hexations at the same time (as a cauchy)
Two tetrations at the same can tetrate a way to not have to do so much and it's great for riemann sums, like outderiving Riemann sums at the same time, ones big enough to hyper-operate on derivative enough function and antifunction when composite functions can order high enough to stop more derivative things (then fire the antibackwardcauchy, antischroeder you'd be doing like a Cauchy with a variable in mind). This makes tetration like a big enough tricomposite function or super function system. Doing two of these not only at the same time but at the same time as cauchying or diverging or two alternations of diverging and converging at the same time can make some iterates that put variables outside the super function.

At the same time that we have a variable in mind and pentate, before doing those two pentations at the same time
We can hold the variable and Cauchy and use it as an antisum for the two riemanns in the antibackwards cauchy we don't have to sum variables for either to iterate better too and get more new hyperreals. The pentations alternating convergence and divergence simultaneously make you NOT have to outderive again like a cauchys own two bicos that are bigger than two Riemann you can sum into bicos to beat tricos by using a quadcomposite function. 

By the time we use the variable or more in mind like a super function or really big Riemann for advanced users, we can repeat doing more and not having to with the hexations. And by the second hexation we will have so many iterations and iterative new hyper reals that they wouldn't sum into a positive even if so many were negative (that they signed integers in a Cauchy at the same time(s). Doing two of these can diverge alone but also converge at the same time as enough bicomposite function to begin hyperoperating, and being able to make everything more derivative than an arbitrary function into a Schroeder where everything more derivative than z can't hyperoperate without a quadco and two Riemann sums bigger than two riemmans that can't hyperoperate on a bicomposite function or beat tricos or x can not hyper-operate on y(x(yxy) y or x & y(x(y(x(yxy or x and x(y(x(yxy) can hyper-operate to hyper-operate & tetrate, pentate, hexate etc like a Riemannian (hyper-x) or (hyper-x - y) that is Gaussian or like a mulanept or two

We are looking for antiderivatives or derivatives and variables so Everything more derivative than _ can't hyper operate of g(f(g(f(f(g) but can on g(f) everything as derivative as _ can't hyperoperate on g(f(g(f(f(g(g(f(g(f(g(g(f(g) (a g-multiplied trico that is g weighted and g heavy so g can be cross multiplied more and compose a tricomposite relationship across the variables) but can on g(f)

These two tetrations diverge and converge alternatingly (hyper-infinitely) and can be used with two tetration extensions at the same time or times hyper-infinitely

and make a tetration that converges and diverges at the same time, as well as two others that can Riemannian sum a variable or Schroeder equation 2 variables better.

So how does tetrating or hyperooerating so fast you could be doing two hyperoperations at the same time (but aren't) show two Riemannian sums that differ enough from 2 others?

So, one hyo with a bico <bicomposite> or two tricos or one quadco (quadcomoosite) or two of these at the same time? In/outside an anything? Anymore more derivative than x gets Cauchy for gaussian bucks and super function bicos

Can cauchys and riemanns that make xs that can operate on it octocomposite function use two riemmans or two super functions to operate or hyperoperate on two tricos one tricos or one bico where everything isn't derivative from two bigger riemanns?

Just like deanti-cauchy anti schroedering numbers and functions, not having to halftime can make Riemann sums in systems make super function riemanns and sets with and without intersections, complements, or systems and residue. With bicos and Schroeder without antiderivatives
But the derivative has to be a part of everything more derivative or not, of negative/ signed (w/ unsigned mistake possibility) 'hyperreal'er numbers than derivatives, an octoco or 2nd octocomposite function and 3 or 4 trico beating bico riemanns bigger than bico riemmans.

Doing these at the same time while doing ordered hyperoperations bring backs more hyperreals, etc iteration or summing or hyperooperating or operating can be like cauchying backwards or schroedering and the variable in mind can be an antiderivative.

Latest on my thoughts on tetrating multitasking

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