Behaviour of tetration into the real negatives
In all calculators avaliable online, none can calcate x^^n for n being a negative number below-2. It is indeed undefiened for all integers below-2, but not for all reals below. You just have to define tetration on a interval of lenght one, and taking the logs the right amount of times.

So I used my tetration method to visualize. Each independent parts are borders by vertical asymptotes which aren't shown, but the overall shape looks like as if it was spiraling around a fixed point, the fixed point Log(a+bi)=a+bi, which is interesting because asides from the asymptotes, it converges towards the fixed point the sams way a real function converges in some conditions with my method : spiralling around it in the complex plane (it's the case if f'(fixed point)<0).

So here the graph is 2^^x, red is the real part and blue the imaginary. I also put 2 lines to show the fixed point.

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The tetration makes a graph that is signed like the blue and goes into area that isn't so the behavior is that the tetration ( numbers changing almost variably) changes in size so much that the different numbers are likely to change more if more happens to them, making it so that a bicomposite function bigger than any tricomposite function with derivative enough numeracy would outderive any variable 

This makes the changes small enough to sum or conclude from

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