Well I guess I will explain my " interpretation " of continuum sum.
Notice the continuumsum is actually unique ( up to a constant ) as the solution to
F(x+1) - F(X) = f(x) or so.
So all methods agree somewhat when they converge.
Wiki already has integral representations due to Riemann etc.
All major posters here ( till 2022 ) have devoted time on continuum sums.
I believe mike3 came up first with fourier series by letting the period go to oo.
and then summing like I do here :
which works because we get exp sums.
Notice how this looks similar to how I do my summability method , but I said that before I guess.
I think getting the period to oo is wasting time and we can do it directly by my interpretation.
Although that fact is nice to understand four analysis and related integrals !
Let c be a real constant.
Let CS stand for continuum sum.
CS f(x) = CS g( exp(x) - c )
This implies g(x) = f( ln(x + c) )
Now expand g(x) as a taylor :
g(x) = g0 + g1 x + g2 x^2 + ...
Then we get
CS f(x) = CS g( exp(x) - c ) = CS ( g0 + g1 (exp(x) - c) + g2 (exp(x) - c)^2 + ... )
By using newtons binomium :
CS ( h0 + h1 exp(x) + h2 exp(x)^2 + ... )
and linearity
Constant + CS (h0) + h1 CS (exp(x)) + h2 CS( exp(2x) ) + ...
then using the q-identity 1 + q + q^2 + q^3 + ... + q^n = (q^(n+1) - 1)/(q-1)
We finally get an expression for the continuum sum.
As long as everything converges the choice of c is not important and the method works.
I hope that is clear.