Interesting commutative hyperoperators ?
Consider the following post made by my follower, who recycled some of my ideas :

In case that link dies or the topic gets closed I copy the text :


After reading about Ackermann functions , tetration and similar, I considered the commutative following hyperoperator ? 

\[ F(0,a,b) = a + b \]
\[ F(n,c,0) = F(n,0,c) = c \]
\[ F(n,a,b) = F(n-1,F(n,a-1,b),F(n,a,b-1)) \]

I have not seen this one before in any official papers.
Why is this not considered ?
Does it grow to slow ? Or to fast ?

It seems faster than Ackermann or am I wrong ?

Even faster is The similar 

\[ T(0,a,b) = a + b \]
\[ T(n,c,0) = T(n,0,c) = n + c \]
\[ T(n,a,b) = T(n-1,T(n,a-1,b),T(n,a,b-1)) \]

which I got from a friend.

Notice if \(nab = 0 \) then \(T(n,a,b) = n + a + b \).

One possible idea to extend these 2 functions to real values , is to extend those “ zero rules “ to negative ones. 

So for instance for the case \(F\) :

\[ F(- n,a,b) = a + b \]
\[ F(n,-a,b) = -a + b \]
\[ F(n,a,-b) = a - b \]

The downside is this is not analytic in \(n\).

Any references or suggestions ??


What do you guys think ?



Btw im thinking about extending fake function theory to include negative numbers too, but without singularities( still entire ).
More general I consider fibo hyperoperators or whatever they should be called :

something along the lines of

F(a,b,c) = a + b + c + F(a-1, F(a,b-1,c) , F(a,b,c-1)) + F(a-2, F(a,b-1,c) , F(a,b,c-1)) - 1.

F(-1,b,c) = 1
F(-2,b,c) = 0

for real b,c and integer a.

This grows fast.


I'm too lazy to do the actual math, but this looks a lot like the Hofstadter sequence. Where additionally, this is just a modification of the same principle. Where we have a bilateral recursion that is simple, but grows chaotically. I believe there are many types of Hofstadter sequences; and this looks exactly like that. I may be wrong though....
\[b\bullet _{n+2} c = n +1+ b + c +  ((b-1)\bullet _{n+2} c) \bullet _{n+1} (b\bullet _{n+2}(c-1)) +((b-1)\bullet _{n+2} c) \bullet _{n} (b\bullet _{n+2}(c-1)) \]

\[b \bullet _{1} c=1\]
\[b \bullet _{0} c=0\]

\(b\bullet _{2} c =1+ b + c +  ((b-1)\bullet _{2} c) \bullet _{1} (b\bullet _{2}(c-1)) +((b-1)\bullet _{2} c) \bullet _{0} (b\bullet _{2}(c-1)) \)
\(b\bullet _{2} c =b + c +  2 \)

\(b\bullet _{3} c = 2+ b + c +  ((b-1)\bullet _{3} c) \bullet _{2} (b\bullet _{3}(c-1)) +((b-1)\bullet _{3} c) \bullet _{1} (b\bullet _{3}(c-1)) \)
\(b\bullet _{3} c = 2+ b + c +  ((b-1)\bullet _{3} c) + (b\bullet _{3}(c-1)) +2 +1 \)
\(b\bullet _{3} c = 5+ b + c +  ((b-1)\bullet _{3} c) + (b\bullet _{3}(c-1)) \)

fix \(b=1\) define the function \(f(\,c)=1\bullet_3 c \) and \(g(\,c)=0\bullet_3 c+1\)

\(1\bullet _{3} (c+1)= 6 + c +  (0\bullet _{3} c+1) + 1\bullet _{3}c \)
\(f (c+1)= 6 + c +  g(\,c) + f(\,c) \) i.e. \( fS=6+I+g+f\)...

Why this should matter, is it completely defined?

If I had to define a Fibonacci-like recursion I'd do it like that: let \(F_n:\mathbb R^2\to \mathbb R\) be the "definendum" family of binary functions, and \(A(x,y),B(x,y)\) two fixed binary functions.

Additive Fibonacci operations

If we let \(A\) be addition and \(B\) be multiplication we get

\(F_2(x,y)=x+y+xy\) an important operation in the field of formal groups.
\(F_3(x,y)=x+y+2xy\), \(F_3(x,y)=2x+2y+3xy\), \(F_4(x,y)=3x+3y+5xy\) ...

Outer Compositional Fibonacci operations be composition of binary function defined as diagonal followed by composition
\(F_{n+2}=F_{n}\circ F_{n+1}\)

I.e. \(F_{n+2}(x,y)=F_{n}(F_{n+1}(x,y),F_{n+1}(x,y))\).

The computations shows that for first steps addition and multiplication \(F_{2}(x,y)=2xy\), \(F_3(x,y)=2x^2y^2\),...

Inner Compositional Fibonacci operations be composition of binary function defined as diagonal followed by composition
\(F_{n+2}=F_{n+1}\circ F_{n}\)

I.e. \(F_{n+2}(x,y)=F_{n+1}(F_{n}(x,y),F_{n}(x,y))\).

For \(A=+,\,B=\cdot\) we get 
\(F_3(x,y)= 4(xy)^2\),
\(F_3(x,y)= 4(x+y)^4=4 x^4 + 16 x^3 y + 24 x^2 y^2 + 16 x y^3 + 4 y^4\),
\(F_4(x,y)= 64(xy)^8\)...

MSE MphLee
Mother Law \((\sigma+1)0=\sigma (\sigma+1)\)
S Law \(\bigcirc_f^{\lambda}\square_f^{\lambda^+}(g)=\square_g^{\lambda}\bigcirc_g^{\lambda^+}(f)\)

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